Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin D in Dear Natura Asahi, for 30 days


Calcium Magnesium ● ● ● Zinc Vitamin D, Dear Natura Asahi, 30 days
additive containing calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.

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Кальций●Магний●Цинк●Витамин D, Dear Natura  Asahi, на 30 дней

Calcium Magnesium ● ● ● Zinc Vitamin D , Dear Natura Asahi, 30 days
additive containing calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.

Calcium preserves bone strength; magnesium promotes calcium absorption and ensures its uniform distribution in the bone tissue; Zinc is involved in the synthesis of collagen in the bone tissue.

If you have been watching for a fatigue, irritability, insomnia, numbness in the extremities (toes), apathy (sometimes increased anxiety) and increased cravings for sweets, perhaps, the body lacks magnesium.

● Zinc affects many vital functions of the body - the state of vision, immunity, health kozhi.Dlya good vision, vitamin A needs, and to ensure that vitamin A can be absorbed properly, you need zinc. Zinc affects the operation of T-cells, as well as self-replication of DNA, which directly affects the state of the immune system. Simply put, people who have had a zinc deficiency, often suffer from colds zabolevaniyami.Kak most vitamins and minerals, zinc affects not only the internal state, but also in appearance. Zinc is essential for the healing of wounds and cuts. In addition, zinc supports the health of the digestive tract, which affects the condition of the skin.
● Calcium is one of the most common in the human body macro elements. He gives strength bones and teeth, which is 99% composed of calcium and influences the permeability of cell membranes, muscle contraction, blood clotting, the secretion of enzymes, intestinal peristalsis, the work of the endocrine glands, reducing inflammation and allergic manifestations. Calcium is better absorbed in the presence of magnesium and vitamin D.

● Vitamin D useful for pancreatic because affect insulin secretion. Normalizes the overall level of glucose in the blood, preventing the development of diabetes diabeta.Pomogaet absorbed magnesium and potassium, and participates in the "construction" of protective sheaths around nerve fibers.

Without additives, dyes, konservantov.Soderzhanie at a daily rate Table 6: calcium shelly 500mg (74% RDA), magnesium 250mg (78% RDA), 7 mg zinc (80% RDA) vitaminD 5mkg
Take 6 pills a day, wash down with water
Contents. 180 Table 30 dney.Proizvoditel: company Asahi

Caution: Be careful not to exceed the dosage, because excess zinc can inhibit the absorption of medi.Pozhaluysta Follow the recommended daily supplement doze.Prinimat people over 15 take at let.Ne beremonnosti kormlenii.Hranit or out of reach of children. If you are receiving treatment or taking medication, consult your doctor before taking.

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