Regular Price $13.40 Special Price $12.73

The plate-drawer Cogit Cassa Lift Plate stimulates blood circulation, tightens the line face and skin around the eyes and nosogubki, promotes alignment of wrinkles, acts as a skin rejuvenation; reduces swelling from the face, arms and legs, improves skin tone and improves skin condition.

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● Cash ● & nbsp; plate, made of different materials: a horn of an animal, wood, stone or porcelain; modern offices -Plastic and ceramic
Cash Plate has been borrowed by the Japanese from ancient China, massage is performed according to the ancient Chinese classic way, so Chinese. charmer always look fresh and young. Cashier stimulates blood circulation, tightens facial contours and skin around the eye area and nosogubki helps tightening and skin rejuvenation. Removes puffiness from the face. Cass is notable in that it can be used on other body parts: hands and feet to massage the neck and shoulder area, it is "herding" the swelling, increases the tone of the skin
On the plate before the ticket office while watching movies or bathroom can be made for the benefit of the skin .

Japanese women use the plate-cash to obtain the effect "Koga" - small face .

● Plate-drawer Cogit Cassa Lift Plate stimulates blood circulation, tightens the facial line and surrounding skin eye and nosogubki, promotes alignment of wrinkles, acts as a skin rejuvenation; reduces swelling from the face, hands and feet, tones and smoothes the skin turgor.

● Plate-drawer & nbsp; Cogit Cassa Lift Plate is made of the famous Japanese porcelain currents from prefecture Gifu. The product is a little delicate, ill-treatment to her does not like :) I beg to love and favor, not to drop on ceramic floors (in the bathroom, for example) after the use of cash, rinse it and wipe with a cloth. In a set up to the plate is a small cheholchik, cash can be stored in it, or hang in a convenient place (there is a special hole for this).

Dosing plate:

The back of the box there are instructions in the form of ready-made images, and the definition of what is a certain part of the plate <. / p>

1) Using flexural A proveditepo line chin from the tip of the ear to the middle of the chin 5 times, and back from the middle of the chin to the tip of the ear 5 more times.

2) Using bending A, perform "kruchenku" (helical movements without pressure) from the nose up to hair growth, nosogubki of the ear from the middle ear to the tip of the chin.

3) In applying the edge, gently hold the line of the eyebrows from the forehead to the temples, 2-3 .

4) Using the bend between A and C perform on the chin line, from the middle ear to the chin (2-3 times).

The manufacturer recommends using the plate after application losona or milk - facial or massage oil or cream - for the body. Not recommended for use on dry skin.

In the application of the plate is possible reddening of the skin is a natural phenomenon, red pass. Use plastic without strong pressure, otherwise you may experience bruising and red bands, bruising and divorce.

Plate-drawer & nbsp; & nbsp; Cogit Cassa Lift Plate is available in 3 variants: < / span>

● Rose Quartz - with the content of rose quartz, stimulates blood circulation <. / p>

● CRYSTAL - with the content of Krystal, skin tone

● Aquamarine - with the content of aquamarine, relaxation .

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For a better understanding of the application of the plate cash, I recommend to view the video on Youtube, search as: "Gua Sha", "Gua-Sha", or Cassa Plate
My favorite beauty bloggers Gala (Plush-Koala) also wrote about this plate Massage face and eyelids Japanese massagers from Cogit - review

& nbsp;

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