DHC Heme Iron, for 60 days


The addition of DHC Heme Iron with the content of heme iron (animal), folic acid and vitamin B12

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The addition of DHC Heme Iron with the content of heme iron (animal), folic acid and vitamin B12

Iron, which is part of the additives DHC Heme Iron , is heme, animal origin. It is believed that heme iron is absorbed better than non-heme (plant origin). If the heme is absorbed by 25-30%, it vegetable only 3-5%.

The daily rate:
heme iron .......... . 10mg
folic acid 70mkg ........
Vitamin B12 1mkg ..................

Content: 120 capsules, hard shell
. Manufacturer: Company DHC

Iron plays a huge role in our body. If the body enough iron, we are cheerful, easy to wake up. We have a strong immunity, rarely get sick and often have a good state of health. No predisposition to depressive moods. We have good skin, healthy hair and nails are smooth. With a shortage of iron occurs fatigue, unwillingness to do something, are often exposed to colds, skin color dull, and hair sypyatsya every day. When such symptoms be sure to check on the hemoglobin parameters.
The daily iron requirement:
Kids & ndash; 4-18 mg, depending on age, the older, the higher need for iron
Adult men & ndash;. 10 mg, especially sposrtsmeny who during physical exertion the body begins to spend more micronutrients, including iron
Adult women & ndash;. 18 mg iron women require almost 2 times longer than men. Zelezo "washed out" when blood loss (prolonged menstruation)
Pregnant women in the second half of pregnancy & ndash; 33 mg.

Another is to tell you about the incompatibility of products: all like buckwheat, is a great source of iron. But do not eat buckwheat and milk. It tastes good, but the iron in the body is not received. Iron + calcium = not compatible. Just as iron does not like coffee, tea, they contain tannin & mdash; a substance that prevents the absorption of element
. Iron loves Vitamin C, iron products so better drink orange juice or taken together with supplements with Vitamin C

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