Dry sprinkling on rice Furikake with Cartoon Marumiya Furikake, 20gr
Dry sprinkling Furikake packaged with cute characters - Mignon, Pikachu & nbsp; and duckling. span> p>
Such a package with furikake called Tenori, which means "to hold in the palm." Very easy to use. Children may not vsegda close "for a" furikake in zip bags may crumble or deteriorate due to air and moisture. Instead of crispy flakes get wet paste. Mileyshaya packaging tenor to avoid this, the children will be able to pour yourself nasypushki:) span> p>
Te-NoriTama strong> (20gr) egg sprinkling with nori seaweed. The most popular sprinkling in children, type 2 egg topping - air and crisp with light flakes of selected algae Nori. . Upekovka with muzzle duck span> The manufacturer - company Marumiya span> p>
Pikachu Furikake strong> (20gr) sprinkling with egg and fish flavor. Packaging with Pikachu, there are ears in the form of stickers span>
Minions Furikake strong> (20gr) egg sprinkling with crunchy flakes of bonito.. Packing Mignon. Span> p>