Fat burning supplement Final Burn, Fine Lab
Fat burning supplement "Final Burn" with powerful components, which speed up metabolism, provide energy, mobilize fat depots, increase heat production, control appetite.
Fat-burning supplement Final Burn with robust components speeds up metabolism, provides energy, mobilizes fat depots, increases heat production, and controls appetite.
Final Burn was created by the Japanese company Fine Lab with the support and experience of Japanese athletes.
The supplement consists of the following components (in 15 capsules- daily dose for active athletes): fat-burning L-carnitine (1200mg), P-synephrine (100mg), Coleus Forskolin (40 mg), green tea extract (300 mg), red pepper powder (150mg), coenzyme Q10 (150g) and guarana (450mg) for energy, Garcinia cambogia powder (600mg), which effectively blocks the appetite.
Final Burn contains 225 capsules. For active athletes engaged in their sports daily dose is 15 capsules (for one time), for beginner athletes or not very active people recommended daily dose is 7 capsules.