JBP EQ Capsule 100% PURE PLACENTAL EXTRACT, 90 capsules.


100% equine placental extract JBP EQ Capsule from Japan company JPB (Japan Bio Products), which is the manufacturer of the popular placental drug Laennec, and other drugs and drinks on the basis of the placenta.

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100% equine placental extract JBP EQ Capsule from Japan company JPB (Japan Bio Products), which is the manufacturer of the popular placental drug Laennec, and other drugs and drinks on the basis of the placenta.

Placenta capsules JBP EQ Capsule 100% Pure Placental Extract contains 100% horse placenta (no additives), more than 250 mg per 1 capsule.

In comparison to pig placenta, the amino acid content in horse placenta over more than 300 times. It is believed that horse placenta contains more nutrients for once a mare gives litter in the form of one foal, when a pig to 10 heads.

When using additives with horse placenta JBP EQ Capsule:

  • restores hormonal balance,
  • improve skin - the skin becomes elastic,
  • smoothes wrinkles, even skin tone, without tarnish and "divorce".

    JBP EQ Capsule :

    · improves the immune system

    · improves metabolism

    · restores the body and relieves fatigue, gives the body a charge of vivacity and energy

    · contributes to the growth and strengthening of hair, it is recommended not only for women with post-partum hair loss, but also for men who suffer from alopecia (hair loss) from stress.

    · recommended for those who have frequent business meetings at work, accompanied by copious drinking, the placenta helps protect your liver and restore it quickly .

    Placenta JBP EQ Capsule contains 90 white capsules in one capsule contents 250mg of horse placenta. Take a day 3 capsules.

    Placenta JBP EQ Capsule is available in capsules of plant origin, easy to drink, has no peculiar smell of the placenta.

    Manufacturer: company JPB (Japan Bio Products)

    Made in Japan from 100% Japanese raw material (placenta Thoroughbred horses from Hokkaido, Japan)

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