Milk chocolate with brandy and orange filling Melty Kiss Brandy & Orange, Meiji, 60gr
Delicate milk chocolate & nbsp; Melty Kiss Brandy & amp; Orange strong> with a creamy ganache, flavored with cognac and candied orange span> p>.
Rich taste of orange candied fruits soaked in honey, deep cognac flavor with a creamy ganache and sweet milk chocolate - enjoy sweet moments with chocolate Melty Kiss Brandy & amp; Orange strong>. span> p>
Chocolate Melty Kiss Brandy & amp; Orange strong> contains 3.1% alcohol, it is not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing. Please refrain from driving and driving after drinking chocolate Melty Kiss Brandy & amp; Orange strong> span> p>.
Perfect for a gift or compliment span> p>.
Content: 4 tiles individually wrapped, 60g, 331kkal span> & nbsp; span> p>
. Keep at temperature below 23 ℃ span>
. Manufacturer: company Meiji span> p>