Moisturizing mask with retinol Clear Turn Moist Charge Mask, 50 masks
Mask Clear Turn Moist Charge Mask strong> is a good replacement of cosmetic care in a particularly busy days, when there is no time to apply a stepped care span> <. / p>
Due snug fit mask, the active ingredients penetrate deeply into the stratum corneum and facilitate elasticity and skin hydration span> p>.
Clear Turn Moist Charge Mask strong> derivative comprises retinol, controls the regeneration of the skin and promotes the production of collagen and elastin. Is a highly effective component that prevents dryness of the skin and formation of wrinkles and sagging skin. Span> p>
also contains hydrating complex of collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, astaxanthin. Dark orange essence is explained by the content of the antioxidant astaxanthin. Span> p>
It does not cause irritation and redness of the skin, odorless, does not contain mineral oil span> p>.
It should be noted, very high quality fabric basis of a unique cotton Bemliese® (used only short fibers around the seeds and has a higher functionality than ordinary cotton). Span> p>
* Bemliese® is a registered trademark of Asahi Kasei Corporation Fibers & amp; Textiles SBU. Span> p>
Content: 50 masks per day span> p>.
Apply to damp skin lotion span> p>.
Manufacturer: The company Kose Cosmeport span> p>