"Morning," eye drops SHINRYOKUSUI, ROHTO, 13ml


Green drops Shinryokusui from the morning eye inflammation .

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Drops for eyes Shinryokusui from the company Rohto eye inflammation in the morning.
Due to the fact that during the day the eyes are dried by exposure to air conditioners and heaters, and lacks sufficient moisture, dusty eyes radrazhayutsya falls and as a result, can go inflammation. Applying these drops will leave the film (blurred) in their eyes, will give a clear look.

You can apply and when:
☀zatumanennoe vision
☀utomlenie eyes
☀zud (after swimming, for example, or when sweat and dust fall eyes)
☀profilaktika eye diseases
☀vospalenie eye caused by ultraviolet light (snow blindness, by the sea, where the water can dazzle the eye)
☀pri wearing hard contact lenses
☀pri inflammation of the eyelids -blefarite .

In the composition drops & nbsp; & nbsp; Shinryokusui & nbsp; two component green - berberine hydrate sulfate and azulene sodium sulphate, which have antiseptic properties, there is also a part of chondroitin sulfate sodium - protection and hydration of the cornea and chlorpheniramine meleat- inhibits the action of histamine and reduces eye irritation .

Apply 1-3 drops no more than 5-6 times a day. Not suitable for soft lenses on the eyes
. The degree of freshness (burning) - 2 of 5, which means that they are quite soft and burning will not be felt .

Composition: berberine sulfate hydrate ... 0.0058% azulene sodium sulfonate hydrate ... 0.02% chondroitin sulfate sodium ... 0.5% chlorpheniramine maleate ... 0,03.

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