Plant growth booster HB-101, 100cc
The eco-friendly growth stimulator and activator of the immune system for the cultivation of all plant species p>
The concentrated non-synthesized nutritional composition produced from plant extracts known for their longevity and great vitality: Himalayan cedar, cypress, pine and plantain. This completely natural product that supports and stimulates the growth of plants, as well as their immune system. It helps the plant to make the most of all their inner potential and environmental resources. P>
Ingredients: extract of cedar, cypress, pine and plantain (completely safe for humans and animals). P>
● improves seed germination
● strengthens the protective functions of plants, reduces the risk of viral diseases
● increases plant resistance to adverse weather conditions: sudden changes in temperature, frost, spring frosts return , heat and drought, waterlogging of the soil, strong winds
● protects the plants from the effects of man-made fog and rain
● significantly increase crop yields
● color and shape of leaves, flowers and fruit are improved, enhanced nutritional the value and taste of the fruit
● possible earlier harvesting
● safety of the crop is significantly increased in comparison with the products, while growing the drug which has not been used
● possible re-planting of culture on the same site
● increases the amount of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. p>
Ingredients: The extract of cedar, cypress, pine and plantain.
HB-101 is not toxic, 100% natural, environmentally friendly. Recommended for all kinds of plants. P>
Packing 100 ml calculated at 1000-2000 l of water, i.e., about 1-2 drops per 1 liter of water, or 1 ml to 10 liters of water.
Storage: do not require any special storage conditions. Shelf life - is not limited to p>.
Proizveditel: FLORA Co. Ltd.
Made in Japan p>