Platinum facial massager (nose line and skin around eyes) with a waterproof coating, little Refa S Carat Ray, MTG
An updated version of a platinum massager face Refa S Carat Ray strong> - this baby is working with hard to reach areas - the skin around the eyes, nosogubka, between the eyebrows area. Her older sister Refa S Carat span> characterized in that the panel has a larger area and micro-vodoneprinitsaemoe coating may also be applied in a bathroom. span> p>
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Tell me, who have not yet heard about the Japanese platinum massagers Refa Carat, which stand as a small Boeing, but nevertheless very actively bought that on the official website sometimes have to wait their turn for half a month. span> p>
Massagers gained wild popularity of its effectiveness (required with frequent use, preferably daily), ease of use and maintenance span> Platinum massager face Refa S Carat Ray strong> - this baby is working with hard to reach areas - the skin around the eyes, nosogubka, between the eyebrows area span. > p>
● Caring for the skin around the eyes - tightens the skin, removes wrinkles, reduces swelling span> use: When using platinum massager care not to cover his hands solar panel. Use the massager, holding a sealed space in the handle. Do not exert pressure on the massager and do not use force. Span> p>
Caution: span>
Platinum massager Refa S Carat Ray strong> running on microcurrents from the solar battery, there is no need to charge it every time, the ability to use anywhere, whether in the bathroom, on watching the couch favorite series, or in flight in the clouds. Massager Refa S Carat Ray strong> has a platinum coating that allows use in the bathroom or on the skin, moist or booster creams, lotions. span>
Working roller Refa S Carat Ray strong> Is that comparable to the hands of an experienced masseur, powerfully and effectively captures the skin, stimulates the lymph, very good herding swelling, it tightens and ukprelyaet the skin. span> p>
● Care "bags" - reduces swelling span>
● Care area nosogubki - tightens the skin, removes wrinkles, reduces swelling span>..
● Care frontal wrinkles - smoothes wrinkles, relaxes the skin on the forehead span> p>.
Massager should not be used if you are allergic to iron ( . the touch Fittings) span>
massager can also be used over a makeup, but after application it is recommended to wipe wet and then dry cloth span. >
Massager recommended for use on skin moisturized lotion or cream, in which case the effect of the use will be significantly higher. But do not use a scrub or cream containing skrabovye particles span>
Massager can be used in completely equipped, since the surface of the massager is processed standard JIS IPX7 coating, but try. do not use it for a long time in the water, a maximum of 30 minutes. After the application is required to wipe massager dry cloth. Do not use the massager in a sauna, swimming pool or in the bath with the addition of salt and other additives. Span> p>