Protein "Shape & Beauty" for women, Savas, Meiji 945 g 45 servings
Protein complex Shape & amp; Beauty, Savas strong>, created for women. Span> p>
For an elastic body and beautiful skin span> p>.
& nbsp; span> p>
Protein Complex span> Shape & amp; Beauty, Savas strong> designed for women span> p>.
Shape & amp; Beauty strong> specially designed for those who want to efficiently and without damage to health to lose weight while you exercise. Regular intake of complex span> Shape & amp; Beauty strong> saturates the body with protein, the skin collagen and balanced set of trace elements and vitamins. This allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed and avoid overeating after exercise. Span> p>
Underlying complex span> Shape & amp; Beauty strong> - 100% soy protein and fish collagen peptide that helps in restoring ligaments, gives it flexibility and, of course, provides support and firmness of the skin. Span> Shape & amp; Beauty strong> also includes 11 species of vitamins and 3 kinds of minerals (iron, calcium and magnesium), which will only burn during exercise, but needed for recovery . span> p>
method of use: 4 teaspoon of powder mixed with 150ml of water or skimmed milk and stir well, preferably in a special glass-shaker. Take 1-2 times a day, in the days when the exercise. Recommended time of reception - before meals or immediately after training. In the water or skimmed milk, you can add protein and fruit, get rich protein shake that can replace a full meal. Span> p>
Has the taste of tea with milk span> p>.
Composition: single dose of the complex (21gramm powder) had the following composition: span> shelf life: 24 months after opening the package span> p>.
945 g per serving 45 span> p>
span> p>
Nutritional value of 77 kcal, protein 12.5 g, fat 0.5 g, carbohydrates 5.6g, fish collagen peptide 1500 mg, calcium 280 mg, iron 3.6 mg, magnesium 50 mg, vitamin A 110-340 mcg vitamin D 9.2 ug, vitamin E 0.9mg, vitamin B1 0.5 mg, vitamin B2 0.57 mg, vitamin B6 0.4 mg, vitamin B12 0.21 mcg pantothenic acid 2.75 mg, vitamin C 32mg p>