Rice cookies with algae hijiki, from 6 months, Pigeon Baby Hijiki Senbei 25gr
Rice cookies & nbsp; Pigeon Hijiki & nbsp; Senbei with hizdiki algae, which contain 5 times more calcium than milk. The calcium content in the 2 livers about 36mg. Calcium is necessary for proper skeletal growth and development of the child. Span> p>
Rice cookies Pigeon Hijiki Senbei with hizdiki algae, which contain 5 times more calcium than milk. The calcium content in the 2 livers about 36mg. Calcium is necessary for proper skeletal growth and development of the child span> Content: 6 packs of 2 cookies span> When you buy 4 items rice cookies from any manufacturer, custom Portable Case for cookies and wafers for free span> p>.
. As part of the iron powder and seaweed wakame (contains iodine) span> <. br /> Does not contain allergens: eggs, dairy products, nuts (peanuts, walnuts, cashews) span>
did not contain dyes, flavorings and preservatives span>
Composition: rice (made in Japan), corn starch, sugar, salt, hijiki powder, wakame powder, calcium pyrophosphate, iron span> p>
Manufacturer: Company Pigeon span> p>