ScalpD Beaute Premium Eyelush Serum, 4ml
Serum lash double enhanced effect ScalpD Beaute Premium Eyelush Serum new encapsulated formula Rush D Capsule, which contributes to a better and faster growth and strengthening of eyelashes. P>
Active components Rastishka mascara ScalpD Beaute Premium Eyelush Serum have been developed by the company Angfa, which are more than 17 years painstakingly conjured over the elixir for a long and strong eyelashes. P>
Contains the active ingredients in 2 times higher than serum for lashes ScalpD Beaute Pure Free Eyelush Serum span> em> span> p>
growth and contribute to the strengthening of eyelashes peptides 4 types (oligopeptide 20, octapeptide 2 tripeptide 1 decapeptide 2) and ginseng root extract quality. Span> p>
The hydrolysis of collagen and silk give luster lashes, restoring and nourishing functions have the following components: a water-soluble keratin, ceramides and α- glucan span> p>.
Rastishka eyelash ScalpD Beaute Premium Eyelush Serum contains silicones, parabens, mineral oil, alcohol, synthetic dyes, flavors and surfactants span>
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Since preservatives are not used, it is desirable to use the product for 3 months after the opening span> p>.
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The serum is applied to the lashes and lash roots of 1 times a day, morning or evening, after the application's Skin funds. In the morning, it is desirable to use before applying makeup. Span> p>
4 ml serum in 2.5 months enough application span> p>.