Sensitive skin care, moisturizing lotion Curel Moisture Lotion, 150 ml


Moisturizing Lotion & nbsp; Curel Moisture Lotion & nbsp; with ceramides and eucalyptus extract is deeply absorbing the properties, smyagchaet and uvlazhneyut skin allantoin in the composition prevents irritation and inflammation of the skin, promotes its smoothness, and succinic acid improves skin elasticity and wrinkles.

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увлажняющий лосьон Curel Moisture Lotion,

Caring for sensitive skin, moisturizing lotion Curel Moistuire Lotion
Moisturizing lotion & nbsp; Curel Moistuire lotion with ceramides and eucalyptus extract is deeply absorbing the properties, soften and moisturize the skin, allantoin in the composition prevents irritation and inflammation of the skin, promotes its smoothness, and succinic acid improves skin elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles.

Lotion Curel Moistuire Lotion & nbsp; is available in three forms:

Curel Moistuire Lotion & nbsp; I - for oily skin
Curel Moistuire Lotion & nbsp; II - for normal skin
Curel Moistuire Lotion & nbsp; < strong> III - for very dry skin .

It does not contain flavors or colors, no alcohol. Hypoallergenic makeup is suitable for sensitive and prone to rashes and flaking of the skin.

How to use: for one application to use lotion with size 5 konetu penny, put on the face massage, to fully absorb .

Manufacturer: company Kao

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