Shark cartilage for strengthen ligaments and joints Deep Sea Minami, 240 tablets


Shark cartilage suppresses the formation of new blood vessels, cartilage regenerates and suppresses inflammation such as rheumatism and arthritis .

  • The cartilage of the joint, which connects and supports bone with age loses its elasticity and causes inflammation and pain. Shark cartilage suppresses inflammation and provides lubricity and elasticity.
  • It has analgesic effect .
  • inhibits the formation and growth of new blood vessels
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Акулий хрящ для укрепления связок и суставов Deep Sea Minami

The extract of shark cartilage contains mucopolysaccharides, jelly cushion between the joints that wear out with age, is lost depreciation and bones begin to "touch" each other, causing pain and discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to actively compensate for the outside to keep the softness and cushioning properties.

shark cartilage also contains substances that interfere with enzymes that break down cartilage component "collagen» .

Shark cartilage improves the structure and metabolism in tissues of the joints, ligaments, blood vessels; in cartilage.

has anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens the immune system, has a bracing effect .

Composition Deep Sea Minami preparation 8 tablets (daily rate): shark cartilage extract 1200mg (content chondroitin greater than 20%), collagen peptide 200mg <. / p>

Take 8 tablets can be divided into 2-3 doses, drink warm water .

Content: 240 tabs .

Manufacturer: Company Minami Healthy Foods

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