Spirulina Powder 100%, Japan Algae, 500gr


Spirulina powder Spirulina Powder100% , the company Japan Algae

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Spirulina Powder Japan Algae

Spirulina - Queen superfudov as in Japan called the green algae due to its super useful properties .

Spirulina is a type of algae, like chlorella spirulina is the addition of number 1 to its nutritional properties, containing more than 50% of high quality protein, carotenoids such as chlorophyll and beta carotene, vitamins and minerals
Spirulina -
clears. liver removes toxins and radioactive substances from the body
normalizes bowel function, which gives us a greater supply of energy, good mood and healthy skin .
thanks to the alkaline properties, spirulina strengthens the immune system, recommended for increased physical and mental stress
spirulina - prevention of seasonal viral diseases
spirulina suppresses the development of atopy, skin diseases, suppresses the development of allergy
Spirulina normaliruet iron in the blood sugar level and
and has a great support for weight loss - spirulina has the ability to grow in size (swell) by reaction with water, many Japanese noted good state of health and a reduction in size of a pair without any effort. Just swollen spirulina gives a satiety signal and reduces the risk of overeating
. The Japanese believe that spirulina should be applied as prevention of oncological diseases, either in the defeat of the body radiation , during and after chemotherapy and radiation therapy for detoxification
. Spirulina vosstanavlivaet white blood cells (leukocytes) and cells in bone marrow <. / p>

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Spirulina powder Spirulina Powder100%

The supplement contains only 100% spirulina, which can take both children and pregnant women
500g for 2 months.

The daily rate: 8g (1 tablespoon with slide

Those who first drinks spirulina, it is recommended to take a day 3 grams (a teaspoon) per day to 6-8gr
Children are encouraged to give 1g (1/3 teaspoon) per day
Spirulina can be added to cold drinks , smoothies, but in any case not subjected to heat treatment.

. Shelf life 3 years from date of manufacture
Manufacturer: Japan Algae

Made in Japan

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