Weight loss bofusan Wakansen Bofutsushosan 3333mg, Rohto, tab 224 (for 28 days)


The active additive slimming Wakansen Bofutsushosan on yapnskih and Chinese herbs to normalize stool eliminates unnecessary fat, especially from the "lifeline" to the waist & nbsp;.

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Бофусан Wakansen Bofutsushosan, Rohto

Indications for use:
✓ overweight (fat burning, subcutaneous and visceral, relieves swelling, arising due to circulatory disorders), winner of the "lifeline" to the waist
the owner of "beer "tummy
✓ acne (anti-rash on the face, caused by improper metabolism)
✓ Normalization of metabolism, elimination of constipation
✓ In the absence of active exercise, but a strong desire to lose weight < / p>

The daily rate supplements to support a figure Bofusan Wakansen Bofutsushosan contains 3333mg of active ingredients

18 herbal ingredients such as rhubarb and licorice, ephedra extract, angelica, etc., along with the effect of detoxification aimed at burning and. lipolysis is in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, normalize metabolic processes supported metabolism under conditions of reduced energy consumption, eliminate edema and outputting an unnecessary water from the body.

The addition of Bofusan Wakansen Bofutsushosan included in the 2nd group of drugs which are allowed to open one sale that may talk about its effectiveness
. The additive promotes weight loss, losing weight around the waist, improves stool, cleans the intestines from toxins, breaks down fats in belly and hips, relieves swelling
But the producers give advice and in reviewing the menu - as far as possible to eat more vegetables, meat substitute for fish and more physical activity. .

Preparations based on Chinese and Japanese grass is most easily absorbed on an empty stomach, so manufacturers recommend taking additive Bofusan Wakansen Bofutsushosan for 30 minutes before meals or between meals priomamy, but that took 2 hours after the last meal
The daily rate 8. tablets per day, split them into 2 Hour 4 tablets.

components content in mg in a daily norm (8 tablets)
extract of Angelica 0,8
The extract of peony & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; 0,8
mint extract & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; 0,8
The extract ephedra & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; 0,8
Ginger extract & middot; & middot; 0,27
The extract of rhubarb & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; 1
Extract bell & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; 1,33
The extract of Scutellaria & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; 1,33
Licorice extract & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; & middot; 1,33
Extract ligistikuma ...... 0.8
extract of gardenia jasmine ... 0.8
extract of forsythia .... 0.74g
extract schizonepeta .... 0.74g
extract Sapozhnikova divaricata ... 0.8
extract Atractylodis Japanese .... 1.33g

1) Do not take other laxatives simultaneously with the addition of
. 2) Do not be taken by pregnant and breast-feeding
3) does not take a supplement if being treated (both inpatient and outpatient) and taking other drugs
4) not to accept people with poor bowel and prone to diarrhea
5) not to accept the elderly
6) not to accept people with the following diagnosis: high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, thyroid dysfunction

114tab (on 14 days)
228tab (28 days)

Manufacturer: Company Rohto

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